Jenn day 6

14 Apr

Awesome group WOD and team building this AM. Love my team RxSTRZ;) they rock!!!

Breakfast::: same plus 2 bites of mango

Lunch::: pumpkin and 1 chicken spinach sausage. Didn’t eat much. I’ll be hungry in a little while.

Snack:::will be at the BOX. Hope there are paleo options, if not I’ll run home and eat my greek yogurt;)

Dinner::: TBA. In love with pumpkin and sausage and could totally eat it for dinner.

2 Responses to “Jenn day 6”

  1. fitgirlslift April 15, 2012 at 8:32 #

    May I have recipe for pumpkin and sausage dish.
    Diane O

    • jennp April 16, 2012 at 8:32 #

      All I do Diane is cut up koboocha pumpkin with skin still on in big slices and place on baking tray, put the whole sausages on top, cover with foil, bake til tender then take foil off and bake a little more to brown it a little. I used to always take skin off but the skin taste good. so yummy and easiest thing ever!!

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